Women’s spiral spring 2024
Inner Mothering

April 6, 2024 - July 6, 2024
Blooming season

Dear Sisters,

Welcome to the transformative embrace of Women’s Spiral Spring 2024 — a sacred journey designed for the cultivation of Inner Mothering through the nurturing alchemy of learning and heart-to-heart connections. Guided by the wisdom of Maha Ma and the Divine presence of The Holy Mother, this three-month exploration invites you to harmonize with the sacred cycles of the moon, the seasons, and your unique constitution.

Throughout this immersive journey, witness the rhythm and flow of life strengthen your intuition, creativity, and the profound ability to trust the Mother within.

Key Elements of the Journey:

🌸 Living in Harmony with Cycles: Explore the intimate connection between your own inner cyclical flow and the creative forces within. As you understand the ebb and flow of your unique rhythm, new pathways to creative energy and acceptance will unfold, even in the quieter moments of your personal cycle.

🌿 Herb Crafting and Medicinal Plants: Devote time to building relationships with medicinal plants through the art of Herb Crafting. Engage in the creation of herbal teas, tinctures, and infusions, deepening your connection with the healing power of nature.

🧘‍♀️ Attuning to Yogini Practices: Discover easeful creativity through yogini practices, invoking the energies of the Divine Feminine. Embark on a journey of Embodied Movement, Mantra, and Chanting to connect with your inner wellspring of creativity.

💖 Sisterhood of Support: Immerse yourself in a warm Sisterhood — a circle of support, inspiration, and the potential for lasting friendships. Together, we create a nurturing space for collective growth and empowerment.

Welcome to the Blooming Season of Women’s Spiral Spring 2024, where the art of Inner Mothering unfolds in the gentle dance of nature and sisterhood. 🌸🌿💖

Register for Spiral Below

The Principals For This Journey Are Simple:

  • Cyclical Wisdom

    Everything living on Gaia follows rhythms that are ancient and move in cycles or spirals. By aligning to the moon cycles, seasonal energies, and internal flow you will strengthen intuition and awaken the Mother within. You will begin to notice how your emotions are regulated in cycles and how you are affected by New and Full Moon phases - potent times for release and soul alignment.

  • Plants Are Medicine

    Mothers passed this wisdom along to their daughters for generations. Commune with the spirit of the plants and learn about their potency and properties to empower your holistic approach to health and healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. You will learn about local plants, that you can grow and dry yourself, as well as exotic plants like Blue Lotus and Cacao. Learn ow to create your own apothecary and make tinctures, tea blends, honey and apple cider vinegar tonics.

  • Sisterhood

    We long to connect as souls to one another. Women are meant to create together, to cry together and to uplift each other's soul! This journey is about awakening your inner Mother and each sister will be a mirror to heal womanhood wounds, inspiration for deep relational connection, and so much more!

Rituals, Practices, And Projects During The Spiral

  • Herb Crafting

    Herb Crafting

    Tea blending, tinctures, plant spirit meditations, herbs that support digestion, immunity, nervous system health and opening the heart. Along with personalizing herbal blends based upon your Ayurvedic constitution.

  • Yoga Asana

    Yoga Asana

    A weekly 75 min. yoga class that takes you on a journey through embodied women's practices.

  • Mantra & Chanting

    Cultivate a humble heart by singing the names of the Divine Mother (she has 1000 names!)

  • Rituals For Health

    Learn daily rituals centered around Ayrvedic wisdom and holistic health that set roots for stability and vitality. Honor the Spring season through potent rituals that invoke fertility and creation. Plan on Ceremonial rituals like altar creation and fire ceremony.

  • Intimate Sharing

    Spend time getting to know your sisters and sharing your hearts desires, creativity and challenges. Explore your barriers to intimacy while being held in love.

  • Soul Alignment

    Deepen your intuition, invoking your inner mother and the power of your voice. Discover unhealthy patterns and with the transformative energy of Kali shift into great alignment with your hearts desires, your needs to thrive, strengthen discernment and making choices that best serve you. Spend less time on being the “nice girl” and people pleasing, and more time nourishing your soul with relationships that are reciprocal.

About Maha Ma

Maha Ma, Co-Director of Maha Yoga Shala and a cherished Community Leader, embodies the multifaceted roles of Mother, Yogini, Herbalist, and Artist. Her journey into the world of healing plants has revealed the profound wisdom once passed down from Mother to Daughter.

In 2019, Maha Ma embarked on a transformative quest in India, studying Ashtanga Yoga. During several months of solitary exploration and shared experiences with fellow women, she grappled with a fundamental question: "Do I want to be a Mother?" This inquiry sparked a deep inner journey that has come full circle to the embrace of her greatest guide, the Holy Mother.

Immersed in Yogic and Divine lineages of blessings and grace, Maha Ma brings beauty wherever she goes and invites others to savor life's richness. Her love for slowing down and enjoying the simple pleasures resonates in every aspect of her being, creating an environment where tranquility and grace effortlessly coexist.

Flow & Important Dates

Sat, April 6, 10am-4pm
Day Retreat -
Opening ceremony - spring Bloom
(Fire ceremony, movement, cacao & light food, Altar Setting, mantras)

Every Wednesday 6pm-7:15pm
virtual & In Person yoga asana Class

Sat, May 4, 1pm-5pm
Women's Circle // Crafting & Cultivating Workshop 1
(Tea Blending, Medicinal Infusions, Plant Spirit Meditation)

Sat, June 1, 1pm-5pm
Women's Circle // Crafting & Cultivating Workshop 2
(Herbal Tinctures, rose infusions, mary Magdalene meditation)

Sat, July 6, 1pm-5pm
Closing ceremony Circle // workshop 3 - Summer bloom
(Ayurvedic ghee & doshas, journaling, tea & light food, fire & dancing)

-the venue -

maha yoga shala

Acton, maine

*overnight stay is available for an additional cost for those traveling long distances for in-person activities. 



3-Month Payment plan

*If taking this course virtually, price does not include herbs, tools, or associated supplies for workshops


FULL TUITION - after march 1st

*If taking this course virtually, price does not include herbs, tools, or associated supplies for workshops

Email support@mahayogashala.com if you have any questions.

 The Details


  • These monthly workshops are highly encouraged as in-person commitments and will not be recorded.

  • All herbs and associated supplies will be included for in-person participants and a list will be provided for those participating out of state or long-distance.

  • Resources and recommended books are not necessary, but highly encouraged to get the most out of the program.


  • Virtual offerings will be available through the Zoom platform. You do not have to pay for a zoom membership to access. Set yourself up for success with a large screen laptop or computer, especially for virtual workshops.

  • Headphones or earbuds

Cancellation Policy

Due to the limited availability of spots in this program, all payments are non-refundable. Exceptions will not be made for any reason including; weather, illness, injury, personal emergency, or other.


Where can I buy supplies for the program?

You’ll be emailed links for supplies after you register.

Can I miss workshops or retreat days and still participate?


I’m traveling a long distance for the retreat days. Can i stay overnight?

Yes. We have space for two overnight guests in our Dharmshala and Temple. Please email support@mahayogashala.com if you are interested in staying overnight.